Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Parody Central

Social enterprise networking firm (I kid you not) Cerado has a series of quizes for the web weary, work out which is a web 2.0 start-up and which is a crap character out of the Star Wars franchise, or alternatively work out which of these web 1.0 efforts were purchased or are nothing but a faded logo on a vintage t-shirt in a sysadmin's laundry basket? There is a certain symmetry to their buzz-word compliant offering and the knowing humour of what I guess are viral campaigns for their product Haystack.

Talking of classic parodies, Stephen forwarded on this fantastic spoof of that Sony TV ad. San Francisco is swapped for Swansea and a mountain of fruit that brings to mind the old EEC agricultural intervention policies. For the completists amongst you, here's a link to how the original Sony ad was actually done.