Saturday, January 22, 2005

Media Economics Present and Future

First to the present, where journalist and blogger Charles Arthur has picked up on the Media Economics 101 piece that RC knocked out based on the 'truth' behind Prince Harry's Nuremberg Rally outfit courtesy of Popbitch.

On to media future, where Bob Cringely speculates that the Apple Mac Mini is in fact a trojan device to sell online movies, rather like the iPod and iTunes Music Service. Whilst Bob has no insider knowledge this was also the endgame for Sony's convergence strategy over the past number of years. Where it gets really interesting is that Bob sees Sony playing a subservant role to Apple in this arrangementm, based on the presence of Sony at the Macworld keynote by Steve Jobs showing a close relationship over video products.

Then again, Sony did parlay its experience working on the early Apple PowerBooks into a knowledgebase for developing its own Windows-based VIAO range of high margin laptops. Who knows which will be the player and the played over the long run?

On a related note, over in Toyko at a meeting of foreign press correspondents Kutaragi-san, the head of Sony's Computer Entertainment division admitted that Sony's ATRAC standard was a mistake, as was the fact it never embraced MP3s and that Sony's spirit of innovaton had been diluted. This was partly blamed on Sony being over protective of its entertainment content.